Gibbs Family Tree

 Cemeteries and Headstones

No Cemetery

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)

    Nathaniel Woodard (d. 25 Apr 1891)
    Edward Stone Parker (d. 25 Apr 1865)
Antony Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
Antony Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
    Antony Gibbs (d. 10 Dec 1815)
    James Rapson (d. 27 Oct 1916)
Dorothea Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
Dorothea Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
    Dorothea Barnetta Hucks (d. 24 Feb 1820)
Dunbar Crypt Headstone
Dunbar Crypt Headstone
St Peter's Church, Duffus 
    Archibald Hamilton Dunbar, 8th Baronet (d. 6 Jun 1910)
Archibald Keith Dunbar, 7th Baronet of Northfield (d. 6 Jan 1898)
Sophia Orred (d. 2 Jun 1909)
George Gibbs Grave in Genoa
George Gibbs Grave in Genoa
SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ CHARLES GIBBS ESQUIRE / BANKER / WHO DIED AT GENOA / 7 DECEMBER 1857 / AGED 48 YEARS Marco Cazzulo cataloging the burials of the old English cemetery of S. Benigno, about a mile west Genoa. For years, in its vicinity, a stone quarry (operated by Genoa's goverment) worked until it was decided to destroy this cemetery. The graves were moved (in 1904) in the currently cemetery of Staglieno, Genoa. 
    Charles Gibbs, of Genoa (d. 7 Dec 1857)
Hanna Dickey Lindley.jpg
Hanna Dickey Lindley.jpg
    Hannah Dickey (d. 4 Dec 1848)
    Ellin Maria Gamble (d. 27 Nov 1835)
Frances Louisa Gibbs (d. 1835)
Jill Cobbold, née Gibbs
Jill Cobbold, née Gibbs
    Jillianne Bridget Gibbs (d. 20 Jan 1994)
John Michael Gibbs Headstone
John Michael Gibbs Headstone
    John Michael Francis Gibbs (d. 1 Oct 2020)
Rev Jacob Lindley Gravemarker.jpg
Rev Jacob Lindley Gravemarker.jpg
    Jacob Lindley (d. 29 Jan 1857)
The Grave of Captain Eustace Lyle Gibbs
The Grave of Captain Eustace Lyle Gibbs
In the Town Cemetery at Ypres, Belgium 
    Eustace Lyle Gibbs (d. 11 Feb 1915)
Vicary Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
Vicary Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
    Vicary Gibbs, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas (d. 8 Feb 1820)
Vicary Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
Vicary Gibbs, Hayes, Kent
    Vicary Gibbs, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas (d. 8 Feb 1820)
William Gibbs effigy at St Michael’s, Exeter
William Gibbs effigy at St Michael’s, Exeter
William Gibbs died in 1875 and is buried at Wraxall, the parish church of Tyntesfield, but a life-size effigy here at St Michael’s, Exeter, carved by H H Armstead RA, was part of a scheme of decoration devised by his family and set up by his widow, Matilda Blanche, in 1882 to commemorate a man who was genuinely loved by those who knew him. 
    William Gibbs, of Tyntesfield (d. 3 Apr 1875)
William Gibbs Memorial in St. Michael's Exeter
William Gibbs Memorial in St. Michael's Exeter
    William Gibbs, of Tyntesfield (d. 3 Apr 1875)